Nancy Nix, the Butler County, Ohio Auditor, has released her summary of the outcome of the property tax revaluations for 2023 (released with the 2024 tax bills). The report is linked here.
Some report highlights:
- She explains that eight of the school districts are “below the 20-mil floor,” meaning that there is no tax relief in those school districts due to the “reduction factor” that otherwise automatically rolls back taxes in Ohio as valuations increase. Those school districts are: Edgewood, Hamilton, Madison, Middletown, Monroe, New Miami, Ross, and Talawanda.
- The median increase in valuations in Butler County was a whopping 37%.
- The resulting net tax increases by district are enumerated (but not the valuation jumps alone) and range from a high of 28.41% in parts of the Talawanda school district and as low as 4.61% in parts of the Lakota School District.
This “tax year” is one for the record books.