Chris Finney to speak Tuesday night at Beyond Civility event on Religious Liberties/Women’s Rights

Tuesday night of this week, Finney Law Firm founder Chris Finney and Jennifer Branch of the law firm of Gerhardstein & Branch will discuss recent legal developments in the area of Religious Liberties and Women’s Rights before the ground-breaking community forum Beyond Civility.

The Back-to-Back series hosted by Beyond Civility asks participants to debate a controversial topic from a position different than that which they would normally advocate.  This session addresses the twin Supreme Court decisions from last session in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and Wheaton College v. Burwell.  

Jennifer Branch, who sits on the Board of Planned Parenthood, Southwest Ohio region will take the “”conservative” position in favor of the Hobby Lobby and Wheaton College decisions, and Chris Finney, co-founder of the Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes (COAST), will take the opposing position.

The successful Back-to-Back series hosted by Beyond Civility has featured prior programs such as:

Beyond Civility’s distinguished Board of Directors is here.

To RSVP to attend Tuesday Night’s free event, which offers CLE credits, click here.  Click here to obtain CLE credits.

Chris Finney
Attorney | ‭513-943-6655 | [email protected] |  + posts