Cincinnati City Council Public Records Litigation: Finney Law Firm Files Opposition to City’s Discovery Motion

Finney Law Firm represents Mark Miller in two lawsuits against Cincinnati City Councilmembers Dennard, Landsman, Seelbach, Sittenfeld, and Young. The first involving violations of Ohio’s Open Meetings Act; the second involving violations of Ohio’s Public Records Act. Read about recent filings in the Open Meetings Act case here.

In the Public Records Act case – before the Hamilton County Court of Appeal – the Councilmembers filed a motion for in camera review and for a protective order to prevent dissemination of the Councilmembers’ text messages and emails

They Councilmembers admit that there are additional emails and text messages that should have been provided in response to our public records request but contend that they somehow are not “public records” as that term is defined in Ohio law.

We find the Councilmember’s motion disingenuous, particularly in light of their own recent leaking of some text messages to a friendly attorney who then filed a motion to intervene in the Open Meetings suit on behalf of their political ally, Derek Bauman.

The Councilmembers’ motion can be read here.

Our memorandum in opposition can be read here and below.

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