Congratulations is due to Finney Law Firm attorney Matt Okiishi who successfully sued today to force the Hamilton County Health Department to allow our client, Amazon Beauty Supply store in Finneytown, to remain open for business during the COVID-19 crisis.
The store, which sells beauty supplies, also markets soap, shampoo, other essential products and, most importantly, the much-sought-after N95 masks. The Hamilton County Health Department, noting that the store also sells non-essential supplies, had ordered them to be shuttered for the duration of the crisis, which for now extends through the end of May.
The business, an existing client of Finney Law Firm, asked us to sue to force the County to allow them to stay in business. We filed suit within 24 hours of first being contacted, and this afternoon our attorneys reached agreement with the attorneys from the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office to remain open. The case was assigned to Judge Jody Luebbers who essentially told the parties to work the matter out amicably. The parties did so, which included an agreement on the number of customers that would be permitted in the store at any one time.
Channel 12 carried the story this afternoon, and the video featuring attorney Matt Okiishi is here.
“There’s little more rewarding in the law,” said Finney Law Firm founder Chris Finney, “than standing an errant government official up in front of a Judge and making him account for his behavior. Today attorney Okiishi enjoyed that exercise and achieved the desired end for our client.”
For help when you need to stare down an over-zealous government actor, contact Matt Okiishi (513.943.6659).