Ohio Real Estate Law: Hamilton County delays property tax bills

Hamilton County property owners will get some measure of relief in the form of a 25 day delay for payment of the second half property tax bills.

Property owners who pay taxes as part of their monthly mortgage payment will not notice any difference, but property owners who normally pay their tax bill by June 22, will have until July 17 to make that payment.

As reported by the Cincinnati Enquirer, Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering noted that the delay is necessary in part due to the fact that taxpayers cannot get into the Treasurer’s office to make a payment:  “We have to balance the needs financially of the county and the needs of the individual taxpayer. And we have to balance that against the reality that, right now with this crisis, you can’t actually get to the treasurer’s office.”

Thus far, we are unaware of any other local counties who have delayed the property tax bills. We will update this post if any other counties join Hamilton County.

Warren County will continue with its normal tax bill due date of July 29.

Clermont County property tax bills are due July 8.

Butler County property taxes are due August 3.

In Kentucky, the deadline to initiate a property valuation appeal has been extended to begin on July 6 and end on July 20.

Finney Law Firm
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