As many of our clients and blog readers know, we are proud to serve as local counsel for the only certified class action in the nation by Tea Party groups challenging the constitutionality and legality of the IRS’ actions in targeting Tea Party groups for additional delay and scrutiny in their tax exemption applications.
There are several other cases that have been filed, I believe all in the D.C. District Court, challenging the indefensible conduct of the IRS during that period that started in 2010.
Friday, the D.C. Court of Appeals issued yet another scathing opinion that the IRS lost in one of those cases, pointing out how completely illegal and unconstitutional the IRS’ conduct was, and how procedurally they have tied up the litigation in endless and pointless arguments and appeals.
Some of the language in this decision deriding the IRS’ claims of cessation of the illegal conduct, leading to their argument of mootness, is fun to read (pp. 16-21).
The decisions here.