Finney Law Firm attorney Chris Finney and County Auditor Emerson”Dusty” Rhodes present on “Property Tax Reduction” at the Greater Cincinnati Real Estate Investors Association (REIA) at 6 PM at the Ramada Plaza at 11320 Chester Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45246 on Thursday, January 4 at 6 PM. A dinner is served beforehand at 5:30 PM.
The meeting is open for free to REIA members and first-time attendees can obtain a free guest pass here. REIA’s program announcement is here. REIA’s web site is here.
The January 4 meeting is a monthly General Membership meeting of REIA.
For more than ten years, Chris Finney is pleased to have been joined by the County Auditor to present this important topic on legal techniques to reduce your property taxes. In short, your tax bill is a product of multiplying your tax rate times the subjective value the auditor has placed upon your real property. There is a quasi-judicial procedure to challenge and potentially reduce the second portion of the equation — the valuation number. This course addresses the procedures that attorneys or property owners themselves can follow to achieve this annualized savings.
If you can’t make the program, a detailed “How To” video from Finney Law Firm is here.