Key links relating to SCOTUS case of Susan B. Anthony List v. Ohio Elections Comission

Relating to Christopher P. Finney’s presentation on February 16th, 2017 before Cincinnati’s Lawyers’ Club entitled “Mr. Finney goes to the United States Supreme Court,” we wanted to present several links for those wanting to do further study  on the topic.

First, as background, exists for the purpose, in part, of compiling and presenting key links for United States Supreme Court cases, from briefs, to oral argument transcripts and audio recordings, as well as in dept commentary.  So, most of our links are just back to their site, for which we are greatly appreciative.

Some are links to original documents on the Finney Law Firm site.

And for some extra reading, a few Amicus Briefs from the SCOTUS case:

Chris Finney
Attorney | ‭513-943-6655 | [email protected] | + posts